Alliance Interreligieuse et Interculturelle de Genève

GIIA Geneva Interfaith Intercultural Alliance - Ning Members Network

avril 2016 billets (1)

Launching a Family Think Tank in Geneva - NGO Associations

This first meeting took place on April 1st, 2016, at Geneva UPF Office, at the initiative of Mr and Mrs Handschin, with the idea to create a new « think tank » or reflexions on how to promote and defend family values in the UN and internationally, in a more global and universal way, promoting the good family values and discouraging the « relativists » or liberal lobbyists to not invade this group. 11 people representing 8 NGO/Associations attended this inaugural meeting: A Catholic…


Ajouté par Michel Reymond le 8 avril 2016 à 14:30 — Pas de commentaire

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