Alliance Interreligieuse et Interculturelle de Genève
GIIA Geneva Interfaith Intercultural Alliance - Ning Members Network
This first meeting took place on April 1st, 2016, at Geneva UPF Office, at the initiative of Mr and Mrs Handschin, with the idea to create a new « think tank » or reflexions on how to promote and defend family values in the UN and internationally, in a more global and universal way, promoting the good family values and discouraging the « relativists » or liberal lobbyists to not invade this group. 11 people representing 8 NGO/Associations attended this inaugural meeting: A Catholic Association, a Woman leader in a Humanitarian NGO, a Prenatal Education Association, The Fondation Entre-Connaissance, the Universal Peace Federation (, Women's Federation for World Peace (, Family Federation for World Peace (, and the Geneva Interfaith Intercultural Alliance (
Below is picture of the participants of this first meeting, and here you can download the proceedings of the Think-Tank_Famille Report 1st April 2016.pdf, kindly written by Chantal Komagata, Secr. General of UPF Switzerland.
Possible title of the think-tank :
Is the human family a refuge for everyone ? Famille humaine, lieu d’épanouissement. One world, one family. Famille humaine, lieu d’éducation à la vie. Human family, school of life. Return to the original human nature.
Start up phase
Reflection phase, critiquing, consolidating of the lines of thinking
Next step
collecting notes of the meeting (Chantal) send to the group (Carolyn)
Let one month pass and organize a next meeting with new participants (and former ones).
Booking a room at Geneva UN Office Geneva to organise a side-event in relations to the International Day of Families around mid-May. (Heiner)
Vues : 72
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Alliance Interreligieuse et Interculturelle de Genève
© 2025 Créé par Michel Reymond.
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