Alliance Interreligieuse et Interculturelle de Genève
GIIA Geneva Interfaith Intercultural Alliance - Ning Members Network
Geneva Support Egyptian People from Michel Reymond on Vimeo.
Going out of the University of Geneva, I heard voices shouting far from me, crossing the famous square "Bastions" in Geneva, I went to see and filmed a small crowd anti-Mubarak, with my mobile phone. I am a Swiss citizen and I am very moved by the sacrifice and risk that takes Egyptian people to be free, representing the majority who has suffered from abuse and poverty the last 32 years. Maybe Mubarak has avoided some possible wars with neighbouring countries that could have killed many more people during his reign, but how his people have been mistreated is unforgiving for someone who should have been the father of it's people. It's just to bad how it's turning violent now, maybe they should accept Mubarak resignation and let him die in peace somewhere in the desert ! he is old and will not live long anymore and he can reflect on the bad things he did to his people. Aren't we all brothers ? so we should treat each other nicely, from the top leadership to the people down the pyramid! please Egyptian brothers, don't hurt each others ! you won already a bid deal of change, freedom is not far, now live in peace!
Ajouté(e) par Michel Reymond
This first meeting took place on April 1st, 2016, at Geneva UPF Office, at the initiative of Mr and Mrs Handschin, with the idea to create a new « think tank » or reflexions on how to promote and defend family values in the UN and internationally, in a more global and universal way, promoting the good family values and discouraging the « relativists » or liberal lobbyists to not invade this group. 11 people representing 8 NGO/Associations attended this inaugural meeting: A Catholic…
ContinuerPublié(e) par 8 avril 2016 à 14:30
Michel Reymond invited to an interreligious roundtable at the WCC, representing the Universal Peace Federation and GIIA.
Geneva, Switzerland - October 26, 2015
(WCC link:
This is the 2nd year that UPF is invited by Dialog-Institut, a Zurich based NGO to take part to the…
ContinuerPublié(e) par 30 octobre 2015 à 0:35
Geneva, Switzerland - UPF convened a special program entitled “Geneva: Track II” in Geneva, Switzerland on Jan. 23-25, 2014, concurrent with the “Geneva II” inter-governmental conference that aims to bring about a peaceful…
ContinuerPublié(e) par 18 mai 2014 à 22:01
The GIIA, in cooperation with partners of different faith communities and intercultural associations, has the pleasure to invite you to a special interfaith "Valentine Day" Evening in Geneva:
Nous vous invitons à participer à une soirée consacrée à la famille et la paix, avec des représentants des religions, unis autour de le thème du mariage, et sa contribution unique à surmonter les différences nationales, ethniques, religieuses, etc... …
Publié(e) par 9 avril 2013 à 0:01
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