Alliance Interreligieuse et Interculturelle de Genève
GIIA Geneva Interfaith Intercultural Alliance - Ning Members Network
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Cet événement a pris place le samedi 6 février 2016 dans le cadre de la "Semaine mondiale de l'Harm… Balises : Miséricorde, Paix Michel Reymond 10 mai 2016 108 consultations
Savez-vous que des personnalités Suisses, Turques, Albanaises, Iraniennes, Japonaises, Marocaines e… Balises : peace Michel Reymond 10 mai 2016 18 consultations
European Leadership Conference taking place in Geneva at the United Nations on Sept. 23, and at the… Balises : WFWP, UPF Michel Reymond 28 sept. 2011 94 consultations
Organized by the Association Hamrahi in Switzerland. (Hamrahi is a persian word meaning to accompag… Balises : Christian, Muslim Michel Reymond 14 sept. 2011 100 consultations
Peace Conference in Fribourg, Switzerland, to gather the religious and political views together, es… Balises : Korea, Federalism Michel Reymond 13 avr. 2011 32 consultations
Forging Interfaith Intercultural Alliances: Coordinated Action for Peace-building and Human Rights,… Balises : GIIA, Geneva Michel Reymond 13 avr. 2011 16 consultations
Balises : Geneva, University Michel Reymond 8 févr. 2011 19 consultations
Michel Reymond 12 févr. 2010 18 consultations
"Every religion emphasizes human improvement, love, respect for others, sharing other people's suff… Balises : heart, peace Michel Reymond 18 nov. 2009 26 consultations
Tania Kassis with Maen Zakaria & Rami Dandachi (Collège des Bernardins - Paris, May 2009) Emmanuel Nachef 23 oct. 2009 106 consultations
Concert Islamo-Chrétiens donné par Tania Kassis... avec un répertoire très éclectique de Beethoven… Emmanuel Nachef 23 oct. 2009 33 consultations
Once, on the way back from fiming a conference, I stopped near the shore of Leman Lake, in Versoix,… Michel Reymond 4 oct. 2009 29 consultations
25 September 2009 - The IAEA's role in nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament was the th… Michel Reymond 1 oct. 2009 30 consultations
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Alliance Interreligieuse et Interculturelle de Genève
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